HR Proactive Inc., offers restoration and remedial programs for workplaces experiencing:

  • Polarized unit or team after a workplace investigation
  • Racial tensions
  • Problematic behaviour such as: bullying, abuse of power, personality disputes,

With decades of experience in workplaces across Canada, HR Proactive Inc., has investigated thousands of complaints and helps organizations thrive with our group facilitation, policy, and training to move forward in a proactive way to re-establish norms and relationships to enable productivity and harmony.

It is acknowledged that restoring the workplace is typically not a quick or easy fix. Each situation must be evaluated individually as the approach will vary depending on the specific circumstances.

Our process is tailored to the specific issues that gave rise to the identified need. 

Workplace Assessments:

Employers will often sense when something is amiss in their workplace.  The HR Proactive Inc., Workplace Culture Review and Assessment will  bring awareness and resolution to the underlying issues within your workplace by providing the a comprehensive review of the workplace culture before the issues escalate or become public.  Through workplace assessments and reviews our consultants will gather information about your workplace culture, practices or behaviours allowing them to identify the underlying conflicts, issues and concerns.

A review will include:

  • Focus groups
  • Surveys/Questionnaires
  • One-on-one interviews
  • Policy reviews

We know that no two workplaces are the same.  All reviews that are conducted are based on customized tools to facilitate resolutions.

Once we have assessed your workplace we will  and formulate a  strategy to resolve the situation using one or more of the following proven techniques: 

  • mediation
  • one-on-one interviews
  • coaching sessions
  • facilitated group exercises
  • customized needs analysis
  • remedial training

The result of inclusive workplace restoration is that employees feel heard, and are likely to develop a sense of commitment to resolution because their input has been considered.

Founded in 1997, HR Proactive Inc., specializes in the design and delivery of respectful workplace, programs and services for today's diverse workplace.

Signs that your organization or team is not functioning at the level you want to be healthy and respectful:

The following “signs” are indications that you may need the support of a neutral third-party facilitator to help restore the workplace. Are you noticing any of the following on a group level?

  • Increase in complaints and/or grievances
  • Threats, reprisals, workplace violence
  • Hostility
  • Absenteeism
  • Employee turnover
  • Increased and/or recurring conflict among team members
  • Lowered productivity
  • Decrease in quality of work
  • Lack of social interaction among team members
  • Gossip, rumours
  • Lack of motivation and employee engagement
  • People taking sides (camps are developing)



Call us today to discuss
your workplace restoration needs

1 888 552-1155

Workplace Restoration

Our Process

Consultation between Client and Consultant(s)

To discuss the circumstances giving rise to the need for workplace restoration and to plan and gather information.

Process Design and Buy-In from all Stake-Holders

To obtain the input of individuals impacted by the issues sought to resolve.

Facilitated Group Session

For example: if employees are interacting in a disrespectful way, the service provided might be Respect and Civility Training for Employees and Facilitated Group Activity to reestablish ground rules for respectful interaction.

Monitoring and Review

It is important to have an ongoing process of monitoring or review in order to assess the sustainability of any improvements achieved and whether any changes need to be made along the way.

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